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Fehmarn Sound crossing

Application of the BIM methodology for the variant ”bore tunnel” of the BIM pilot project

In order to fulfil the requirements set concerning performance and safety for the future traffic, DB Netz AG and the state of Schleswig-Holstein (LBV-SH), in agreement with the Federal Ministry for Traffic and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) have decided upon realising a new, solid connection of the isle of Fehmarn with the mainland.

Within the border of the pre-planning process, four variants (two bridge solutions, two tunnel solutions) are to be investigated under a new Fehmarn Sound crossing. ZPP, providing technical lead management in a bidding consortium, is commissioned with the pre-planning of the variant ”bore tunnel”.

The project ”renewal of the Fehmarn Sound crossing” is one of the pilot projects for the infrastructure sector that have been selected jointly by the DB Netz AG and the BMVI for the introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM).

The services of the bidding consortium are therefore rendered via BIM working methodology, parallel to the conventional modus operandi.

Within the bidding consortium, ZPP is additionally responsible for the BIM coordination of the synergy of the single specialist disciplines and the integration of rendered services into the BIM context. Furthermore, while providing technical lead management in the bidding consortium, ZPP handles the development of the BIM concept in collaboration with the BIM management by the client.

© Thomas Reimer / Fotolia
DB Netz AG
Period of service
2017 - 2021
Fehmarn, Germany
  • Consulting
  • Planning
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM)