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School Centre Bochum-Nord

Start of construction 2020 – ZPP is already in the process of planning

In the city district Bochum Gerthe, the new school centre, which is already being given the possible nickname of "power bar". Power for the city district – power for the school location!

A 220 m long building is planned, which is scheduled to be constructed along the Heinrich Street. The new school centre is to be unified through the joint usage, via a future additive classification of the, taken by themselves, autonomous school types Gymnasium (comparable to high / secondary school), Realschule (secondary modern school) and the Innovationszentrum Schule und Technik (IST, translates to innovation centre school and technology). Thereby, the interconnected building parts are to enable both the shared use as well as the independence of the school types.

ZPP was commissioned with the structural planning for the reconstruction, the partial demolition and the redevelopment as well as with services pertaining to building physics (thermal protection, building and room acoustics).

Picture source: Architekten Brüning Rein
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